

“We need more balance in our lives” is something we have heard for years and throughout the the media. This term typically refers to women, working moms, career women trying to do and have it all, right?


Well, we have been fed a lie. That we CAN have balance and NEED it in our lives.

(Bare with me this is a long post because you've gotta hear this!)


By definition “Balance” means “a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions”, which is not intended to be applied to “balance” in one’s life.


To do two things simultaneously and equally efficient, is actually IMPOSSIBLE!


You may think, well it is physically possible to do two things, Michelle. I can walk and talk or sing and drive at the same time.


But have you ever noticed how when you need to fully concentrate, say in the car when you are lost and looking for directions; you may lower the radio?


Or when you are walking and talking but then need to focus on the important key point you are trying to make to your boss; you will stop walking?


The term “balance” when pertaining to women’s lives was first introduced in the public mainstream in the 1980’s when women began to take over the American corporate work force.


By nature, humans, are not able to equally distribute our “elements in correct proportions”. The word balance is a noun, it is a “thing”. It should not be used to describe a human behavior.


It’s better to say that we as women need to practice the act of “BALANCING” which is a verb and an action we can do in our lives.


I want you to no longer say “I need more balance in my life”, what we need to shift our mindset to say “I am actively balancing my priorities by valuing myself as a priority”.


Have you ever noticed that on Airplanes during the introductory safety drill, the flight attendant says “in case of an emergency, place the oxygen mask over yourself before assisting children or others”.


We can not help the ones we love in our lives if we do not take care of ourselves first.


Since practicing more self love and self care for myself, my business has grown beyond my dreams, my relationship with my boyfriend is stronger than ever, and I have more energy and motivation for everyone. I’ve created healthy habits that will carry on throughout my life so I can one day care for my family and my clients with all of my self. A happier, healthier, more confident version all from showing myself a little love too.


The Dali Lama once said “ The world will be saved by the Western Woman”.



If we take care of ourselves, we have more of ourselves to give. We can volunteer, create companies that change the world, raise children that are mindful and respectful of our world and humanity.



5 Tips | Learn to Quiet Your Inner Critic

How many times have you heard an inner voice? An inner voice that is usually a big fat meanie? She criticizes your hair, your body, or intelligence? She makes you doubt yourself and your decisions.

We all have her living inside us. She is not your friend and should kindly be told to “shut up”. 

I have struggled for years with this voice that is so mean, she is evil and in no longer welcome to speak to me. I have learned to quiet her voice so that my stronger, kinder side can speak LOUDER. 

This has helped me love myself more, launch a thriving business, and rock my life. 


I have learned to do this with 5 easy tips to Quiet your Inner Critic. 

1- Name your inner voice because she is not you!

 This will allow you to see her as someone outside of yourself and this way you can kindly tell her to “shut up.” So that you can go on to love yourself and do amazing things with your life. 


2- Acknowledge your fear but do not let it stop you.

Taking on a new job, starting something new, or doing something right, can all be scary but fear is temporary and if we acknowledge that it is there then we can conquer it. 


3- Remind yourself how amazing you are!

When that little voice creeps in, say out loud, what makes you amazing and awesome! Point out how gorgeous you are and why your rock! 


4- Get productive.

How can you be negative if you are actively working towards your goal? At the end of the day you will feel amazing and happy. 



5- Ask yourself, “would I say this to my best friend, mother, or sister?”

We are so hard on ourselves and so often we are so mean that we would never speak these words to women we love. So why on Earth would we say these negative and hurtful things to ourselves? So next time you hear that “inner critic” say something mean, stop her because you do not speak to ones you love like that!


Take Back Balance | A Self Love Challenge

Do you struggle with finding balance in your life? Do you ever make yourself a priority?

Do you feel guilty about spending time or money on your self?

As women we rarely make time for ourselves outside of our career and personal lives.

After struggling for years to find a way to love myself for who I am and now, after mastering the art of photographing women, I have come to realize we all struggle with this.


I want to help you begin your own journey towards more self love and higher self esteem though daily practices of mindfulness, gratitude, and self care.

I have created a fun, easy to follow FREE 15 DAY Beauty & Empowerment Challenge for women only! 

I hope you will join me and join the movement! 

The challenge begins March 28th!

Why Do I Share Transformations?

What is the deal with showing a Before and After image of my clients?

I don’t know about you but I am a fanatic about TV “Makeover” showsWhat Not To Wear. LOVE LUST or Run, The Biggest Loser, are some of my guilty pleasures to watch. 

It’s not just the end result that I am fascinated by, it’s that, that person has always been inside of the participants! 

That stay-at-home mom who has baby spit on her sweatpants; she IS a gorgeous goddess and a rockstar!

We all have busy schedules. Things to do, work, and the kids all become what is most important and sometimes we ourselves take a back seat. Our health, our wardrobe, our hair & makeup, are ranked at the bottom of our priorities list.

So once in awhile, it’s great to take that back! To take back balance. To take back you! 

So, why do I show you transformations? To show you that we are all human and imperfectly perfect.

 We all get busy but we ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL!

We are in a tribe of mothers, sisters, daughters, and wives. We do so much for everyone in our lives but we must not forget to give ourselves a little love too

I would never ask my clients to do something that I would not do myself. 

So here you have it! My straight-out-of-bed to full on Glam transformation! 

I just think they are so cool to do too! Please feel free to share this with your friends and girlfriends. 

Savor the Success | Tips for Self Confidence


It’s no surprise that I specialize in photographing women but why? This is not just about the art of photography, it’s about my mission to empower the women in my community.

We are often so hard on ourselves and strive to have it all and do it perfectly.

I want to show you that you are beautiful exactly the way you are and where you are in your life right now.



The Dali Lama once said that “the world will be saved by the Western woman.”



What would happen if every woman you know were to be a little more confident, stood a little taller, or loved themselves a little more? I think we could maybe save the world too!


I can only photograph so many women a month but I want to share some tips for feeling more confident everyday starting today.


#1 Stop Comparing yourself to others.

I know this is easier said than done. We are all unique and our lives are unique. The moment you believe that you are exactly where you need to be and begin to love yourself for who you are the better you will feel and the more confident you will be.


#2 Start your day with positive affirmations.

Make a list of 5 self love, gratitude, encouraging affirmations to say about yourself. It is hard to stay negative or sad when you feel genuine gratitude for your life. 


#3 Take a break to actually enjoy your coffee!

Before you rush off to work or get in your car, make the time to have 10 minutes just for you. I love enjoying my coffee on the patio with a magazine. It's so simple but just feels glamorous. This can be to sit and read a magazine with breakfast, take a quick walk, or dance before work! 


#3 Plan a date with your best girlfriends.

Nothing is more empowering, energizing, and uplifting than our goddess inner circles. Savor the moment and plan a date with the girls who inspire you and love you unconditionally. 


#4 Do something you love!

We get lost in the everyday grind and often lose ourselves. When was the last time you went bike riding, horseback riding, or to the beach with friends? Treat yourself once a week, no act of kindness is too small. 

#5 Get a makeover.

I don’t know about you but nothing makes me feel better than a new haircut, dress, or having my makeup professionally done. It doesn’t need to be a dramatic makeover but something new and fresh. Hire a makeup artist for your next big party or rent a designer dress to feel like a movie star for the night. This little act of kindness to yourself will sit with you all month.

A Look Into the Headshot Marathon | Behind the Scenes

Last week we finished the much anticipated Headshot Marathon! This is our largest Semi-Annual sale to date. 

My team and I were so honored to have had 6 women join us as we photographed each client for their own private shoot back-to-back. Hence the cute nick name "marathon", we were in it for the long haul but excited for the challenge.

We have attracted so many inspiring and beautiful clients this year.

These women are writing books, planning on doing Ted Talks, were honored by their University Alumni boards,  are designing new websites, and launching a new TV career; just to name a few exciting things in the works for my 6 Michelle Citrin Studios Marathon girls. 

The day was filled with laughs, encouragement, and just plain fun.  Even though, each girl was there for business, specifically professional headshots, we made sure to take time for some personal beauty portraits. Work hard and play hard. 

During our in-person style consultation last week, I encouraged all of the ladies to bring in at least one "wow" dress. Something I like to call your "wild card" dress. This is a dress that you bring for you! A dress that has sparkle or shine. It may be something you bought years ago and love but have no special occasion to wear it. THIS IS YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION. 

Let's celebrate you and your achievements. Your personal growth and your self love. Let's celebrate being alive to see this day. Being given the gift to age is a blessing my friends. 

We hope you will join us for the next and final Headshot Marathon coming JUNE 2016. 

A Spiritual Session with Lisa Eve

We photograph woman every day but, Lisa Eve was unique. She came to the studio with an unusual request. "I need portraits to cover all the of my businesses".

So, during her consultation we realized more than one session was needed to showcase all of the facets to her business. Entrepreneur, Spiritual healer, and author. 

The highlight of her incredible session was when Lisa sat with me after her session and we chatted and she guided me with her angels, and we spoke for an hour about life, love and career. She brings joy and ease to all she meets and is an inspirational female entrepreneur. It was such an honor to help her grow her brand and be apart of her team.

In need of a pick-me-up? Check out Lisa's wonderful "Happy Channel" here to find inspiration quotes and to watch videos to just make you smile! It's your one-stop-shop for Happy.